3대 맛집(3 Icon)과 수요 맛집(W Icon)을 "맛집지도"탭과 "맛집목록"탭으로 탐색 할 수 있습니다.
거리별로 아이콘별로 표시된 지도를 따라 전국의 맛집을 알아보세요.
한반도, 제주도, 호주까지 표시되어 있고
자체 추천 음식점은 Tastystore(T아이콘)으로 표시될 예정입니다.
360여개의 맛집의 위치와 대표 메뉴를 제공합니다.
구글검색과 인스타그램사진과 구글지도를 통해 상세하게 찾아보세요.
기능 요약
-지도와 탭으로 맛집표시
-가까운거리, 상호, 메뉴, 방송명 Sorting
-카카오톡, 라인, 페이스북등 SNS 공유
-인스타그램, 구글지도, 구글검색 링크
Enjoy Korean Restaurant~
The application will provide you the most recommended restaurants by TV program called “3 Legendary Best Restaurant (it will be marked as 3 in the application)” and “The Best Restaurant on Wednesday (it will be marked as W in this application)”.
Look into more about each restaurant by assorting from your distance or by each category of program. This application will cover all of Korean continents including Jeju Island and go far to even Australia. In addition, it will recommend you the best restaurant by developer too, and it will be marked as T. This application will provide you 348 different various of restaurant and its location and the representative menu. You may also google from it or even find more photos from Instagram’s.
Key features
The best restaurants information on the map and assorting by tap
Search your current location
Reorder by field : distance from your position, name, menu, name of broadcasted program
Information and photos by Instagram, Google map, Google search